Madaniyat, Kelajakdagi Jamoa Va Boshqaruvchilarni Yaratish

Meganing maqsadi yaxshi yashashga va ravnaq topishga intilishga majbur bo'lmasimizdan oldin bizni tubdan o'zgartiradigan va o'stiradigan va har-birimizni o'ylaydigan tashkilot qurishdir.

Fikrlash! O'zgartirish! O'sib borayotgan!

Experience Our Culture

We want our employees here at Mega to feel free to be bold, to experiment, and to take risks. For that, our people need to feel at home in the workplace, and comfortable with their peers. We do our best to achieve this by fostering an environment of care and kindness in everything we do.

Ish O'rinlari

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To’liq ish kuni
To’liq ish kuni
To’liq ish kuni
Andijon Buxoro Farg’ona Namangan Termiz Toshkent